A Mothers Anthem

I am the mother of a diabetic child. I don’t know what it’s like to go to sleep at night and know for certain my child will wake up in the morning. I don’t know what it’s like to sleep the whole night through without waking up to do blood tests on my sleeping child. I don’t know what it’s like to prepare a meal without a calculator, measuring cups, and a gram scale. I don’t know ...what it’s like to drop my child off at school and know he will always be in the care of someone who knows how to take care of him. I do know what it’s like to force feed sugar in the middle of the night knowing I am sacrificing my child’s teeth to save his life. I do know what it’s like to draw up insulin at 2 am and pray to God I’m not too sleepy to make a fatal error in judgment, technique or calculation. I do know what it’s like to sit underneath the dining room table holding my sobbing child, explaining to him, “No, we can’t take a break just this one time.”while I inject insulin into his already bruised arm. I do know what it’s like to walk away from the pharmacy counter with an armload of supplies and realize I’ve just gone through another box of 200 syringes. I do know what it’s like to help my child march bravely past the juice and cookies at the school reception that was supposed to be his reward for achieving Student of the Month. I do know what it’s like to look into my child’s eyes and tell him he has an incurable disease and explain to him what that means, And then to be comforted by him when I’m the one who can’t stop sobbing. I do know what it’s like to love and cherish my child every minute of every day, to know that I may someday donate a kidney to him, and that if he were in need of a heart, mine would be out of the question, because it broke a long time ago.I am the mother of a diabetic child. Author: Unknown

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Schools out…time to adjust that insulin…again…


Well its been awhile since Ive blogged. My mind goes a million miles an hour and I have so much to get out, but when pen hits paper, the mind goes blank. Cant seem to get the words out at times!

Its that time of year again. School is out, heat is rising and video games are in full swing. Time to adjust insulin dosage again since sitting around playing video games happens more than it should. Just when you get the insulin dosage just right and everything is going as smoothly as possible with this beast, a monkey wrench like summertime comes around. I've been noticing lately that my son’s 1/20 ratio and 80/150 correction does just hasn’t  been cutting it. I thought maybe he was getting sick but then it dawned on me…OHHHH he’s sitting on his butt for hours at a time with the only thing moving is his thumbs on the dang video game controller! Time to adjust yet again. We seem to have had a pretty good 3 months as his A1C’s was 6.9 just last week. I cringe every time we have to go get that damn A1C checked. You know what it like? Its like you back in high school taking your final exam that will determine if you graduate and you don’t think you studied good enough. In to the Dr’s office we go, finger poke, I cringe just knowing we are going to hit a 10 A1C. Sweating bullets! Dr comes in and says “your doing great, a 6.9 A1C. WHEW….we did it. But how? How did we get such a good number when I thought we had a bad 3 months? Shoot, never mind how…just take it! You feel like standing up on a table somewhere and announce how wonderful your kids numbers are! You are a Rock star and you want everyone to know it! You know, its like when your kid eats Pizza or Pasta and you cover it perfectly! Funny how the little things just thrill us!

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