A Mothers Anthem

I am the mother of a diabetic child. I don’t know what it’s like to go to sleep at night and know for certain my child will wake up in the morning. I don’t know what it’s like to sleep the whole night through without waking up to do blood tests on my sleeping child. I don’t know what it’s like to prepare a meal without a calculator, measuring cups, and a gram scale. I don’t know ...what it’s like to drop my child off at school and know he will always be in the care of someone who knows how to take care of him. I do know what it’s like to force feed sugar in the middle of the night knowing I am sacrificing my child’s teeth to save his life. I do know what it’s like to draw up insulin at 2 am and pray to God I’m not too sleepy to make a fatal error in judgment, technique or calculation. I do know what it’s like to sit underneath the dining room table holding my sobbing child, explaining to him, “No, we can’t take a break just this one time.”while I inject insulin into his already bruised arm. I do know what it’s like to walk away from the pharmacy counter with an armload of supplies and realize I’ve just gone through another box of 200 syringes. I do know what it’s like to help my child march bravely past the juice and cookies at the school reception that was supposed to be his reward for achieving Student of the Month. I do know what it’s like to look into my child’s eyes and tell him he has an incurable disease and explain to him what that means, And then to be comforted by him when I’m the one who can’t stop sobbing. I do know what it’s like to love and cherish my child every minute of every day, to know that I may someday donate a kidney to him, and that if he were in need of a heart, mine would be out of the question, because it broke a long time ago.I am the mother of a diabetic child. Author: Unknown

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Diabetes...in all her bitchness....

You inject insulin to cover his food, you count the carbs to a “T”, you know his carb ratio, you got this….you cover his food perfectly, you know his next check will be perfect……….NOT. You can count the carbs all day long, you can know the carb ratio but when diabetes does not want to play nice…it’s a downright bitch. Just the other day, we had it, finally got his numbers to a good range after another growth spurt. Thought we would be sitting good at least for another month or two. Nope, didn’t even last a week I think. Last few days I haven’t been able to get his BG under control very well, my heart would go to bed in perfect range, 2 hours later, hitting high 300’s, low 400’s your like, what the hell? Where did that come from? You go over it in your head, all the food he eat that day, calculating all the insulin and you know you didn’t make a mistake. But there is it, Diabetes in all its bitchness, taking control once again. Taking control of your childs body, but you thank God that these high blood sugars happen while he is sleeping, at least he wont feel the pain from this high. He wont get the stomach cramps, the headache, the emotional toll. You begin to become thankful for the little things that God allows you to have, like sleeping through a miserable high.

Tonight was one of those nights again. Ate dinner, covered perfectly, then 1 hour later, my child is starving. Right then you know, he just ate, and now he’s starving, we have high blood sugar, he’s not having a real “hunger”, he is having what I call Diabetes Hunger. It sucks having to tell your child who thinks he is starving, “honey, your having a diabetes hunger”, drink some water, lets give you some insulin so we can bring you down. Then, here comes the tears, mom, please make this go away? Why do I have this? I just want to be normal, please mom, make this stop. Everyone makes fun of me now, they call me “Diabetes Boy”, I don’t want to be like this, make it go away. There it is folks, the gut wreching hell of being a Mom that cant kiss the boo-boo and make it go away. As mothers, its our job to make our children better, its our job to put a band-aid on a little cut, kiss it, and poof, the mom magic makes the pain go away. Diabetes, is not something that any mother can take away, we cant tell our child that they will be better soon, because they wont be. Not tomorrow, not next month, not next year, not 5 years from now. They will deal with this for the rest of their lives and us as mothers, have to live with the guilt of not being able to make it go away.

How do you answer your child who asks you “Mom, why did God do this to me? He can make it go away so wont don’t he”. Somebody, please tell me why? Because I would surely like to know what the hell the answer is. Why do our babies have to deal with this? Why does any child have to deal with any cronic disease? Why does any mother have to say Goodbye to their child who just lost their battle to cancer. None of it makes sense, why the innocents have to suffer. Maybe someday we will understand the “why” of things so until then, we will continue to try to kiss the boo-boo’s we can, and just hold our sobbing children we the kiss wont make it go away…..

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