381 Days ago, our lives were turned upside down by the beast. It came in like a thief in the night and ripped apart more than just a pancreas. It ripped apart a life of "once was". It installed fear, anger, hurt, despair, depression, aggression, and darkness. It took away the innocence of a 9 year old child, the eyes of curiosity now not so curios, the amazement of fireflys, not so amazing, the joy of eating cotton candy at the zoo, now, not so tasty, the faith in the lord, not so faithful. The beast came in and destroyed a life of "once was". For 380 days, we have been taking that drink from a fire hose, breathing in and out, poking fingers, injecting insulin, crying the tears, loosing the sleep, fighting the fight and realizing that you just may be loosing. For 380 days, trying to find a glimmer of hope that some day, the life of "once was", becomes the life of "what is". Well today, day, 381, the fear has lifted, not a lot, but alittle. The anger, ya, well, that is still here along with the hurt, but the despair, not so desperate today, day 381. Depression, aggression, and darkness, well lets say that someone has turned on a night light for us and things seem a little brighter.
The innocence of a nine year old child...gone..but the innocence of a now 10 year old has enveloped our lives again. Curiosity, amazement and strength has came back into this life of "once was". Today, yes, today, day 381, normality peaked into this house. For 380 days, the beast stole a life of a little boy who should have been outside playing in the dirt. Stole the life of a little boy who should have been riding his bike with his friends, falling down, skinning his knees, stubbing his toes, collecting water bugs, frying ants on the pavement and doing something as simple as going to a friends house without his "D" mom in tow. Today, yes today, day 381, we said NO MORE. No more stolen moments by the beast, no more living in fear that a "low" will destroy a life. We must live, he must live, he must be 10, must be a 10 year old boy, doing 10 year old boy stuff. So today, day 381, I put my heart, my soul, my life in the car, we drove to his friends house, I gave the "MOM" a drink from my fire hose of "D" info, handed over my "D" child, said, GO BE A BOY....GO LIVE...GO GET DIRTY...GO HAVE A LIFE. And for just a few hours, my son forgot he was diabetic. He forgot about the beast. I, on the other hand...had a panic attack. As I drove off, leaving my "D" child, in the hands of another mother, who does not know much of the beast, and leaving my child in the hands of HIMSELF, the beast consumed me for a bit. What are you doing? You stupid woman, you are leaving your "D" child, you are putting him at risk for.....STOP IT...GET OUT..Get out of my head you damn "D" beast. I did not leave my "D" child, I left my son at his friends house to play. Not my "D" son, just MY SON. My son, who for 380 days have lived his life with the beast, who has felt the highs and lows, who knows he body better than anyone. He was had to grow up so fast and now its time to slow down. For 380 days, he didn't just live with the beast. For 380 days, he has been learning how to just live. He has been learning how to take care of himself, how to recognize how his body feels and to recognize a change. Now, day 381, its time to take all you have learned, and go live. Go be a 10 year old boy, and go be free. You, my beautiful son, now have your wings, you have grown, your are not held hostage by the chains of insulin, pokers, test strips, you now need to fly.
It took 380 days of pain, hurt, fear, tears and struggles to have "enough", and just one moment for this "D" mom to realize, it all wasn't for nothing. All these past 380 days were training days, to get us here, to get us to the day, that my son now becomes free again, and our life of "once was", become a life of "what is". And what is it you ask? Its a life! A beautiful life of innocence once again. A life of a little boy skinning his knees and stubbing his toes......A FREE LIFE! Day 381, a new beginning.
After dealing with "D" for almost a year I thought it was time to share our story. We are not bloggers, if fact I have never blogged before....a glimps of a day in the life of a diabetic child...
A Mothers Anthem
I am the mother of a diabetic child. I don’t know what it’s like to go to sleep at night and know for certain my child will wake up in the morning. I don’t know what it’s like to sleep the whole night through without waking up to do blood tests on my sleeping child. I don’t know what it’s like to prepare a meal without a calculator, measuring cups, and a gram scale. I don’t know ...what it’s like to drop my child off at school and know he will always be in the care of someone who knows how to take care of him. I do know what it’s like to force feed sugar in the middle of the night knowing I am sacrificing my child’s teeth to save his life. I do know what it’s like to draw up insulin at 2 am and pray to God I’m not too sleepy to make a fatal error in judgment, technique or calculation. I do know what it’s like to sit underneath the dining room table holding my sobbing child, explaining to him, “No, we can’t take a break just this one time.”while I inject insulin into his already bruised arm. I do know what it’s like to walk away from the pharmacy counter with an armload of supplies and realize I’ve just gone through another box of 200 syringes. I do know what it’s like to help my child march bravely past the juice and cookies at the school reception that was supposed to be his reward for achieving Student of the Month. I do know what it’s like to look into my child’s eyes and tell him he has an incurable disease and explain to him what that means, And then to be comforted by him when I’m the one who can’t stop sobbing. I do know what it’s like to love and cherish my child every minute of every day, to know that I may someday donate a kidney to him, and that if he were in need of a heart, mine would be out of the question, because it broke a long time ago.I am the mother of a diabetic child. Author: Unknown
Beautifully written Christine. As a mom with a son with mental health issues and allergies to citrus which comes in everything including water and yes the air when trees bloom. I applaud you and Michael's bravery. Half the battle in anything throughout life is identifying the triggers and seeing yourself through it. I have no doubt this is just a small speed bump in your lives and once you realized you are both fighters and the D Beast as bad as it acts never had a chance. Prayers hun and hugs going out to you both.